This 1997 Dodge Viper GTS was acquired by the selling dealer in 2017 and is powered by an 8.0-liter V10 paired with a six-speed manual transmission. The car is finished in Viper Red over black leather and is equipped with 17″ five-spoke alloy wheels, a limited-slip differential, a ...
Of course, one may state that Ford is the same kind of company which everyone treats as something purely American, but being played most of time in racing video games, I can't restrain myself from expressing how I am grateful to Dodge for their Viper series. I once had a chance to ...
Charger R/T has a north-south front engine/transmission layout, but is a rear-wheel-drive. It's mated to a five-speed manual transfer case. The brakes come from the Dodge Viper with 4-piston calipers in the front and 2-piston calipers in the back. The upper and lower rear suspension...
Mopar has shown that they love a good hot rod as much as anyone else, and as such, they’ve produced some truly bonkers cars and trucks. A Ram pickup with a Viper drivetrain is perhaps one of the nuttiest of them all, and we love the company for having made this Dodge Ram SRT-10...
目前,道奇是菲亚特克莱斯勒汽车的一个分部。道奇的车型系列非常丰富,包括Viper(蝰蛇)、Intrepid(无畏)、Stealth(隐形)、Spirit(小精灵)、Shadow(影子)、Neon(霓虹)、Colt(小马)等轿车型号;SUV车型有Durango、Dakota、RamTruck(公羊皮卡)、RamSRT10、Sprinter;MPV车型有Caravan、Grand Caravan;...
直到1983年,中国最后一辆道奇客车才报废停产。道奇已经发展成多个车型系列,其中轿车车型主要有ViperChallenger、CoolFighter、Charger等,SUV主要有DurangoNitro,皮卡有DakotaRamTruck等,MPV主要有道奇凯菱等。 出厂价55万美元,但只生产了几百台,就停产了。现在如果你想买它,你必须从收藏家那里收集它。预计耗资约8.012亿...
车型轿车型号有:蝰蛇(Viper),无畏(Interpid),隐形(Stealth),小精灵(Spirit), 影子(Shadow),霓虹(Neon),小马(Colt)等,SUV有DURANGO,DAKOTA,RAM TRUCK(公羊皮卡),RAM SRT-10,SPRINTER,小型货车有:CARAVAN,CRAND CARAVAN。 Stellantis集团由原标致雪铁龙集团(PSA)和菲亚特克莱斯勒集团(FCA)于2021年合并而成,目前,...