When it comes to raw, unrivaledpower( Disclosure1), the Supercharged 6.2L HEMI®V8 engine is the top of our line-up. Standard on all Durango SRT®Hellcat models, it’s a driving force that’ll have your hair standing on end.
2024 Dodge Durango SRT 392 AlcHEMI Marks the End Tested: 2021 Durango SRT Hellcat Packs the Power Fuel Economy and Real-World MPG To the surprise of no one, fuel efficiency is not the Durango SRT Hellcat's forte. In fact, it's not even in its vocabulary. With EPA estimates of 12 ...
Discover the capability of the 2024 Dodge Durango. Find maximum towing capacity, available tow packages & more here for all of your trailering needs today.
Dodge跑车的价格因车型和配置差异而有所变动,具体取决于您所选择的款式。比如,挑战者SXT车型的价格起始于约27,000美元,相当于人民币约19万。而对于高端的2024款道奇挑战者3.6L跑车,其起售价则为39万人民币。另外,Viper蝰蛇SRT的售价从约6万美元起,折合人民币约43万。更顶级的Challenger SRT Hellcat的价格则...
Dodge品牌跑车因不同车型及其配置而价格迥异。以Challenger挑战者系列为例,SXT车型的基础价格大约折合为19万人民币,而2024年新款3.6L排量的车型则标价39万起。对于更高端的Viper蝰蛇SRT,其起始价格折合约为43万人民币;Challenger SRT Hellcat从大约44万人民币起售;而Viper的更高配置版本则标价不低于63万人民币。道奇跑...
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最大马力710匹,2025款Dodge Durango正式亮相 近日,从海外媒体报道获悉,Stellantis汽车集团旗下美国道奇汽车Dodge宣布推出2025款Durango车型。据悉,新车取消了原有的SXT、Citadel 和392等级车型,保留了GT、R/T 和SRT Hellcat三个车型等级。外观上,新车整体与当前在售车型没有太大区别,前脸依旧配有方形前灯、倒 U ...
If you’re lusting for the ultimate V-8 muscle car but need a sedan with room for the kids, the outrageous 2023 Dodge Charger SRT Hellcat is your ride.