一只会喵喵叫的机械猛兽: Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat, 视频播放量 629、弹幕量 1、点赞数 38、投硬币枚数 0、收藏人数 3、转发人数 0, 视频作者 不油腻de大叔, 作者简介 专注于露营,穿越,越野,DIY露营车的搬山道人。,相关视频:又脏又累的木材运输卡车,苏联平民越
Explore the Dodge Challenger SRT® models: Hellcat, Hellcat Widebody, Hellcat Redeye, Hellcat Redeye Widebody & Super Stock. Explore speed & more today.
The 2023 Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat Redeye Widebody Jailbreak is an 807-hp run-on sentence that can fill a parking lot with smoke with one simple trick.
2015年,克莱斯勒的高性能团队“街头赛车与技术”(SRT)用392立方英寸的485 匹 6.4升V8 SRT HEMI发动机和6.2升707 匹机械增压发动机取代了SRT8 HEMI发动机。 两年后的2017年,道奇挑战者(Dodge Challenger)第一款四驱道奇挑战者GT(Dodge Challenger GT)发布,道奇还发布三种新的选装包(T / A,T / A Plus和T / A ...
Stance Hunters Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat,这款车最近的热度挺高的,我想买的时候已经没货了,预定的是第二批,今天刚拿到货。我也是第一次买Stance Hunters的额产品,让我们一起来看看吧 前机盖可开,机舱零件做了分色处理,机盖上面的隔音棉也有涂装刻画 地狱猫的标志用了蚀刻片的处理,刹车卡钳前后大小不一样(应该...
Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat 本就是美式肌肉车的天花板,6.2L 机械增压 V8 发动机的咆哮声足以让车迷颅内高潮!而 LB-WORKS 的宽体改装更是将它推向极致—— * 宽体暴改:外扩轮眉搭配铆钉宽体套件,肌肉感直接拉满,仿佛下一秒就要撕裂路面! * 低趴姿态:近乎贴地的悬挂设计,搭配深凹定制轮毂,诠释“贴地飞行”的...
Among Detroit’s three pony cars, Dodge’s Challenger is an oversize peg that fits in an altogether differently shaped hole than do the Ford Mustang and the Chevrolet Camaro. The beefy two-door is by far the largest in its class, has the only usable back seat, and is the most powerful...
道奇挑战者 地狱猫 SRT Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat 发布于2023.9.16 17:17 次播放用户751596885360 关注0人272粉丝关注 评论·0 提交评论 暂无更多评论 热门视频 © 2025 懂车帝 www.dongchedi.com 渝公网安备50010502503425号 渝ICP备2023013619号-7 增值电信业务经营许可证(告渝B2-20230001)广播电视节目制作经营...
道奇地狱猫(Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat)是一款传奇的美式肌肉车,以其独特魅力和卓越性能深受车迷喜爱。其设计激进,车身宽大低趴,线条粗犷有力,巨大的进气口、犀利的大灯与蜂窝式格栅搭配,尽显猛兽般的气场。车尾粗壮排气筒、独特尾灯及扰流板,强化运动感。 动力上,搭载6.2升V8机械增压发动机,高版本可达797马力或807马...
Not a bad car - Dodge Challenger SRT Hellcat MVM for GTA San Andreas. The body and interior of the model are well detailed. The car fits perfectly into the game! Features: - Good body; - Supports all the basic functions of the game; - The car fits perfectly into the atmosphere of ...