DoD Source Selection Procedures TechFAR Handbook Air Force Program Element Monitor (PEM) HandbookApr 11 Guidebook for Performance Based Services Acquisition (PBSA) in DoDDec 00 Incentive Strategies for Defense AcquisitionsJan 01 Navy Marine Acquisition GuidebookSept 07 ...
(b) For ACAT I (MDAPs) and II (Major Systems) weapon systems designs, the PM will include in the contract and in the process for source selection, clearly defined and measureable R&M requirements and engineering activities as required by Section 2443 of Title 10, U.S.C. The PMs of MDA...
From the Guidebook, certain tasks were selected and adapted to specific areas within the CTIA and some tasks were excluded. The goal of the tailoring was to generate a phased domain engineering approach that allowed logical progression of domain definition, domain analysis, architecture specification,...