Records managementDirectivesLife cycle managementDepartment of defenseArchivesRegulationsThis Directive reissues DoD Directive 5015.2, March 22, 1991, establishing responsibility for the DoD Records Management Program, in accordance with reference title 36, Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter XII, 'National ...
Records Management is accessible in the Microsoft 365 Compliance Center. Strike the right balance between governance and productivity: Records Management is built into Microsoft 365 collaboration and productivity tools, easing the friction between enforcing governance controls ...
Specifically, DOS did not maintain adequate oversight of Government-furnished property, maintain contract files as required by the Federal Acquisition Regulation, always match goods to receiving reports, or follow internal control procedures requiring in-country contracting officers' representatives to review...
29 Determining Uniqueness of Items ROLES AND RESPONSIBILITIES FOR PROPERTY RECORDS DoD Instruction 5000.6454 provides a comprehensive framework for DoD property accountability policies, procedures, and practices; and assists DoD property managers, accounting and financial officers, and other officials in ...
The inspection also found that DOD records management offices lacked sufficient resources to manage such large programs across the department's U.S.-based and overseas operations. The strategy outlines four key enablers to meet its curation, automation, and governance goals: the implementation ...
evaluate whether DoD contracting officers were fully implementing the profit policy and adequately documenting their profit decisions, and evaluate the effectiveness of DoD internal control policies, procedures, and practices applicable to preparation, supervisory review, and reporting of profit objectives. Us...
You can visit their website for more information about the criteria and testing procedures. Generally, though, there are two different types of DoD 5015.2 certifications: Chapter 2 and Chapter 4. Chapter 2 contains the mandatory criteria that are required by all records management applicat...
The purpose of this study was to examine the adequacy of Air Force acquisition policies and procedures for software with particular emphasis on derivative works as it applies to reusable software. The study had two primary objectives: (1) Determine what relevant legal cases have been litigated whic...
Test interfaces for the Clinical Procedures, Radiology and Imaging packages. Prepare VistA applications to be implemented starting at the day one files. Establish the setup for application parameters, including the business practices for facility and clinics. Decide how remote will be viewed (via VistA...
Technically,DoD 5220.22-M, theNISP(National Industrial Security Program) Operating Manual (orNISPOM), never addressed any specific overwriting procedures itself; it merely mentions the clearing and sanitization of media in section 8.301 (see below) without any examples of how to carry out those guide...