DoD approves production of Longbow Apache attack helicopter.Foote, Sheila
Longbow LLC, Orlando, Florida, was awarded a $10,696,220 modification (P00013) to contract W58RGZ-22-C-0053 for Apache AH-64D/E fired control radar. Work will be performed in Orlando, Florida, with an estimated completion date of Dec. 31, 2025. Fiscal 2025 Army working capital fund fu...
DOD halts Apache Longbow tests early.(AH-64D Apache Longbow attack helicopter)Foote, Sheila
South Korea wants 36 AH-64D Apache Longbow Block III attack helicopters and associated equipment worth an estimated $3.6 billion, as well as a $2.6 billion purchase of 36 AH-1Z Cobra attack helicopters and associated equipment, according to a pair of DSC A announcements released Tuesday.John ...