(y) Joint Publication 1-02, “Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms,” current edition (z) DoD Instruction 5230.24, “Distribution Statements on Technical Documents,” August 23, 2012 (aa) DoD Instruction 5200.44, “Protection of Mission Critical Functions to Achieve Trus...
Dunn characterized the product 4 More details can be found in a joint NUWC-SEI technical report written by Cohen, Dunn, and Soule [Cohen 02]. CMU/SEI-2003-TR-007 15 line as systems that include a large number of sensors requiring intensive, real-time process- ing. Range systems are ...
theMilitaryDepartments,theOrganizationoftheJointChiefsofStaff,andthe DefenseAgencies(hereafterreferredtoas“DoDComponents”). Thishandbookiseffectiveimmediatelyandmaybeusedonanoptionalbasisby DoDComponentsengagedinsystemRAM. Sendrecommendedchangestothehandbookto: ...