unclassified Internet email address (not your name and personal email address). Your computer system supervisors may help you with putting in the correct address. If you don’t have a work email address, the card will then be issued with no email certificate. ...
Retrieving the DoD Root Certificate 1. Log into AKO/DKO athttps://www.us.army.mil Note: You do not need the DoD Root Certificate to access AKO/DKO. When you get the certificate message, choose the option that will allow you to continue on anyway. 2. Open the ‘Quick Links’ menu 3...
Agents from NCIS and DLA coordinated a subsequent investigation. According to documents, they contacted Cheney, who provided the original 1997 demilitarization certificate for the tank, which was processed through the Naval Weapons System Training Facility in Boardman, Oregon. Major sections of the inve...
SecretaryoftheArmyUnderSecretaryofDefenseforPolicy c.OTHEROSDCOMPONENTHEADSANDOUTSIDEAGENCIES(NoauthorityoverDoDComponents;theycoordinateifassignedspecificresponsibilitiesorhaveother equityinthesubject.) AssistantSecretaryofDefenseforLegislativeAffairsDirectorofOperationalTestandEvaluation ...