Doppler frequency of the pth target, where f1 is the radar carrier frequency; and the noise vector is assumed to be independent and identically distributed, and zero-mean complex white Gaussian distribution with , where is noise variance and IN is the identity matrix with the size of N× N....
𝐈𝑀IM is a 𝑀×𝑀M×M identity matrix and 𝟎0 symbolizes zero matrix. 𝐀(𝑚)A(m) is a submatrix of 𝐀A formed by its last m rows. Operator ∠[·]∠[·] serves to get the phase. In addition, as a shorthand notation, the addition between a set and a scalar is ...
The first printed edition is scheduled for release pending field input and review, and information for ordering additional copies will be provided at that time.D. Comments on Content. Address comments or questions regarding the content of this handbook to:OPERATIONS SYSTEMS - DELIVERYUS POSTAL SERVIC...