sudo rm -rf /tmp/certs/ Then you can clone this repo and run the script like this: git clone""cd./dod-root-ca-and-cac/ ansible-playbook --ask-become-pass ./dod-root-ca-and-cac-installer.yml ...
Download the base Docker image (alpine), Generate a new self-signed SSL cert, Download theDoD root certsand wrap them into a single file (to serve as the trusted set of certificates that can sign certificates presented by the CAC-holding client during TLS session negotiation), ...
ssl.acme-location SSL_ACME_LOCATION ./var/acme dir where obtained le-certs will be stored ssl.acme-email SSL_ACME_EMAIL admin email for receiving notifications from LE max-comment MAX_COMMENT_SIZE 2048 comment's size limit max-votes MAX_VOTES -1 votes limit per comment, -1 - unlimited vo...