Die mehrstufige Authentifizierung mithilfe eines Verbundidentitätsmodells ermöglicht die Verwendung von PIV- und CAC-Karten.Viva Engage Viva Engage for Enterprise ist in den GCC High- und DoD-Umgebungen nicht verfügbar.Kundensupport
DoD Investigative and Adjudicative Guidance for Issuing the Common Access Card (CAC)Office of the SecretaryCFR Part
The ‘Out of Office Assistant’ feature allows users of setting up automatic reply options to incoming email(s). Users themselves are allowed to select text they want in addition to configuring the out of office message(s) using particular start and end times. 2) Secure Access DEE is CAC-a...
All army users having AKO accounts and CAC will be switched to Army Enterprise Email. Now they won’t be able to gain entry into their email by simply using a username and password, not anymore. DoD is on its way to completing the switching of the army’s 1.4 million users to Enterpris...