error(error); return; } const zip = new PizZip(content); const doc = new docxtemplater(zip, { modules: [new DocxtemplaterHtmlModule({})], }); doc.render({ html: "<p>Hello <b>John</b></p>", }); const out = doc.getZip().generate({ type: "blob", mimeType: "application...
首先,确认docxtemplater-html-module模块是否真实存在。您可以通过在npm官方仓库搜索来验证这一点。访问npm官网,在搜索框中输入docxtemplater-html-module,查看是否有该模块及其相关信息。 2. 检查npm是否已正确安装并配置 确保您的计算机上已经安装了Node.js和npm。您可以通过在命令行中运行以下命令来检查npm是否已安装...
docxtemplater-html-module is not available on public npm, it is a paid module that you have to purchase on following site : The documentation for the paid module can be found on ...
chunks如果有最后的参数必须是你页面的名称(比如我第一个页面是定义的是ui,就要写ui) module.exports = { pages: { ui: { // page 的入口 entry: "src/views/index/main.js", // 模板来源 template: "public/index.html", // 在 dist/index.html 的输出 filename: "index.html", // 当使用 title...
We also have a live demo site with all modules enabled, so you can test out for example the HTML module and also upload your own templates. If you need more information, we can arrange a video call to show you what you need. Just send us an email. What is the difference between pla...
Image moduleto add a given image with the syntax:{%image}; Html Moduleto insert formatted text in a docx document with the syntax{~html}; XLSX Moduleto be able to do templating on Excel files (xlsx extension), also with loops and conditions; ...
Bugfix when using docxtemplater asynchronously, and having some module inside a loop.The "contentType" and some other properties were not transfered correctly to the elements inside the loop.This specifically caused an issue in the HTML module to return the correct pageHeight inside the getSize...
我这里直接贴出我在项目中使用到的html2word.js文件,这是一个通用方法,这段代码借鉴自 大家可以去看看 import Docxtemplater from 'docxtemplater' import ImageModule from 'docxtemplater-image-module-free' //需要就导入 import PizZip from 'pizzip' ...
doc.attachModule(newImageModule(opts)); doc.loadZip(zip); doc.setData(wordData);try{// 用模板变量的值替换所有模板变量doc.render(); }catch(error) {// 抛出异常lete = {message: error.message,name:,stack: error.stack,properties:};console.log(JSON.stringify({error...
102 const HtmlModule = require("docxtemplater-html-module"); 103 const doc = new Docxtemplater(zip, { modules: [HtmlModule] }); 104 ``` 105 106 The error message shown will now be : 107 108 ``` 109 Cannot attach a class/function as a module. Most probably you forgot...