The main results (Fig. 1 and 2) presented by the authors are difficult to follow. For example, how results in Fig. 1 are different compared to Fig. 2 except that the units of effect size are different. Second, if authors have information on species richness differences among studies, why...
A preview version of this document may be available on theWord, Excel, and PowerPoint Standards Supportpage. After the preview period, the most current version of the document is available on this page. Development Resources Find resources for creating interoperable solutions for Microsoft software, ...
A preview version of this document may be available on theWord, Excel, and PowerPoint Standards Supportpage. After the preview period, the most current version of the document is available on this page. Development Resources Find resources for creating interoperable solutions for Microsoft software, ...
Knowingwhatmakesyouexcitedisalsohelpful.Whatmakesyoureyeslightup?22Itcouldbewhenyouareperformingadanceonstage,whenyouhelpyourdadfixhiscomputer,orevenwhenyouaredoingresearchonyourschoolscienceproject. Itisalwaysmorecomfortabletobeonfamiliar(熟悉的)ground.However,inordertodiscoveryourselfyouwillneedtoputyourselfinsom...
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1.Iboughtanewcomputerlastweekend.___computerismadeinChina. A.A B.An C.The D./ 2.Lindaisafraidofthedark.Sheevenleavesthe___onwhilesleeping. A.screen D.light 3.Markjustphonedtosayhe’dlefthiscoatbehind.Doyouknowifthisis___? A.mine B.hers...
Ithinkkidsshouldbeintroducedtocomputerscience.However,beforetheylearntocode,kidsshouldf32learnethics(道德准则).TheyneedtounderstandhowasingleprogramcancauseseriousdamageontheInternetwithinminutes. 【答案】26.(y)oung27.(s)uccessful28.(c)hanged29.(s)creen30.(u)seful31.(p)ower32.(f)irst 【导语】本...
2.Do you often d h on the weekend?43.I have a (和蔼的) mother.44 .A: What’ s your father ??B: He is strict.45.What do you have on (星期三)?46.We often r books in the library.47.I like f vegetab les and fruits. They are delicious.48.I have a computer class on ...