目录 一、报错提示: 二、解决方案: --- 一、报错提示: 尝试在目标目录创建文件时发生一个错误:...
CorrectAndResendEnvelope> <ns:Correction> <ns:EnvelopeID>1234</ns:EnvelopeID> <ns:RecipientCorrections> <ns:RecipientCorrection> <ns:PreviousUserName>userName</ns:PreviousUserName> <ns:PreviousEmail>[email protected]</ns:PreviousEmail> <ns:PreviousRoutingOrder>1</ns:PreviousRoutingOrder> <ns:Resend...
Boolean no_error = true; try { // 第三步:调用Docusign请求 signer_view_url = dsApi.RequestRecipientToken(envelopeId, signer_user_id, firstSigner.UserName, firstSigner.Email, assertion, urls); System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO , ‘*** Received signer_view_url:‘ + signer_view_url); } catch...
Boolean no_error=true;try{//第三步:调用Docusign请求signer_view_url =dsApi.RequestRecipientToken(envelopeId, signer_user_id, firstSigner.UserName, firstSigner.Email, assertion, urls); System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO ,'*** Received signer_view_url:' +signer_view_url); }...
Boolean no_error=true;try{//第三步:调用Docusign请求signer_view_url =dsApi.RequestRecipientToken(envelopeId, signer_user_id, firstSigner.UserName, firstSigner.Email, assertion, urls); System.debug(LoggingLevel.INFO ,'*** Received signer_view_url:' +signer_view_url); }...
For example, if you send an envelope to others for review or signature, we make the contents of the envelope available to them. Payment Processors. When you make a payment to another user within our Services, we disclose your payment method details to the third-party payment processor ...
(3X) Your monthly average based upon Your envelope purchases in DocuSign Signature, whichever is greater; (iv) DocuSign will retain Account metadata for up to 30 calendar days; (v) each of Your registered Authorized User is allowed to store up to 50MB (pooled at the account level); (...
public static void sendWithDocusign(String recordId){ Contract con = [SELECT id FROM Contract WHERE Id=:recordId]; DocusignApi.DSAPIServiceSoap dsApi = new DocusignApi.DSAPIServiceSoap(); dsApi.endpoint_x = ENDPOINT; //Set Authentication ...