premiering on American Masters on PBS in 2023 tells the story of the brilliant statesman and senator, Daniel Patrick Moynihan. His previous films include Colliding Dreams on the controversial history of Zionist described by the Los Angeles Times as “Compelling and Engrossing… a film of ideas, a...
In the eight years since this video, we've seen a lot of people go quite far out of their way to avoid seeing Israel and the Zionist agenda as a central feature in 9/11 and the globalization/security game plan. We look forward to talking about this with Chossudovsky. If we do, may...
在线看Ang Pamana: Pag-ahon sa Kahirapan (Full Documentary) 33分钟 25秒。2022 5月 19的高清视频,VK免费视频库免注册!
so it would have been difficult to continue on that same thread. I don’t think it ever came up in the conversations, but it’s true. The one vehicle that you’ve got literally and metaphorically to tell the story, you don’t have it. There were other ...
Auschwitz was the site of the largest mass murder the world has ever seen. This landmark, 6-part series charts the evolution of the camp and the me... 8.40¿Sería Buenos Aires? (Spanish with English subtitles) A universal story that touches upon many of the themes that cross the mod...
They are also only 1 of 3 countries left on the planet without Zionist run central banks in their country who print money out of thin air, the biggest scam in human history. This scam allows them to bankrupt nations with an economic illusion, so the question remains who is the whole ...
beforeemigratingtoIsrael,1 Leading Iraqi-Jewish scholars describe their community by using the term “Arab-Jew”. Theterm, which implies that Jewish and Arab cultures were interwoven, and thus rejects thebinary division drawn by the Zionist political discourse between Jews and Arabs, has beenthe ...
Peace, Propaganda & the Promised Land is a 2004 documentary by Sut Jhally and Bathsheba Ratzkoff which—according to the film’s official website—”provides a striking comparison of U.S. and international media coverage of the crisis in the Middle East, zeroing in on how structural distortio...
Playlist contains the episodes mentioned above, each 55 minutes long From that day these words became the official and unspoken policy of the Zionist movement and later the state of Israel. Settlements were used from... Join The Conversation...