“New Documents,” also known as “Social Landscape” photography, originated in 1967 as a reinterpretation of Documentary Photography, emphasizing the exploration of life as it is. Today, it is very similar to Street Documentary Photography. Led by photographers like Robert Frank, Diane Arbus, and...
Documentary photographyusually refers to a popular form of photography used to chronicle significant and historical events. It is typically covered in professional photojournalism, or real life reportage, but it may also be an amateur, artistic, or academic pursuit. The photographer attempts to produce...
eBooks and Courses for Everyone What Is Documentary Photography Documentary photography is a form of visual storytelling that captures real-life events as they unfold. It can be a great way to capture memories, preserve history, or share a story with the world. This photography genre depicts li...
Photography is a powerful form of communication. In this course, Black shares the myriad ways in which you can reach an audience, from exhibition-in-a-box concepts to online. Photobook and exhibition Learn how Black translated the vast amount of material gathered in the making ofAmerican Geograp...
Ethan is an emerging filmmaker and photographer based in the Bay Area. He graduated from Emerson College with a Bachelor’sdegreein Media Arts Production and a minor in Photography. Born and raised in Changsha, China, Ethan has lived in various cities, including Beijing, Boston, and New York...
AFI: Can you talk about the process of editing the film, selecting the final images that made it into the film and the emotional toil of working with these images that span almost half a century? RP:The process was an unusual one for making a documentary. It started with the text. I ...
DESIRE CREDITS & FUNDING ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Producer/Director Julie Gustafson Co-Producer Tim Watson Co-Director Isaac Webb Field Producers Melissa Thompson, Amanda Wh ittenberger Teenage Videomakers Tiffannie Johnson Tracy Morton K imeca Rodgers Cassandra Swaing Peggy Wang Principal Photography Julie ...
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