The Vietnam War is a 10-part American television documentary series about the Vietnam War written by Geoffrey C. Ward and directed by Ken Burns and Lynn Novick. The first episode premiered on PBS on September 17, 2017. The script is by Geoffrey Ward, and the series is narrated by Peter...
Various interviews, documentaries, and related videos featuring wildlife and timber trade, the poaching crisis, news documentaries about front-line wildlife conservation.Please be advised that these videos may contain graphic content. Index by Region AfricaAsiaEuropeNorth AmericaSouth America ...
Carla Borrás | Director/Producer:For 15 years, Carla Borrás worked for the PBS series FRONTLINE, where she oversaw and helped produce dozens of short documentaries and special projects, expanding the footprint of the series’ journalism. In addition to working for FRONTLINE, she has collaborate...
Productions, and their work has been broadcast on PBS, HBO, and other festivals worldwide. Joy is drawn to character driven documentaries in which, by showing the day to day experience of people that might otherwise be “othered”, through skillful editing, connections may be drawn and relatab...
Today, many of those descendants — Black and white — seek the truth about this intentionally buried history. Directed by award-winning filmmakers Brad Lichtenstein and Yoruba Richen in association with PBS North Carolina and executive produced by Cameo George and Rachel Raney, American Coup: ...
Dr.Joseph co-wrote what became the highest grossing one-man play in thehistory of Broadway, and wrote, directed, and produced the Rape ofNanking. Dr. Joseph's previous film, "Hitler's Diaries" has been shownon PBS stations and was previewed by CBS/KPIX which called the film,"Mesmerizing...
“The Most Northern Place” tells of a clash of cultures and a conflict about territory during the run‐up to the Cold War, which led to the forced relocation of the Inuit population native to the town of Thule by the U.S. Army, circa 1953. Visitors to the website take small steps ...
I work with platforms, governments, non-profits, investors and producers on the development, production and distribution of their documentary and unscripted programs. My credits include productions with PBS Nature, Smithsonian and BBC. I frequently produce and moderate panels at leading indust...
(Something about it taking hours for a rescue ship to pull a few people from the water was the first clue, then the shark misinformation.) There is a real problem with the destruction of sharks by fear, fishing or for their fins by people in Asia. Discovery channel no longer has any ...