et des CSE locaux • Réunions spécifiques du CSSCT et des commissions • Changement climatique • Santé et sécurité au travail • Chaîne d'approvisionnement responsable • Respect des droits humains • Salons professionnels et journées technologiques • Séminaires, conférences, ...
In the current industrial landscape, a significant number of sectors are grappling with the challenges posed by unstructured data, which incurs financial losses amounting to millions annually. If harnessed effectively, this data has the potential to subs
Most of the previous studies on Arabic DC have proposed the use of preprocessing tasks to reduce the dimensionality of feature vectors without comprehensively examining their contribution in promoting the effectiveness of the DC system, which makes this study a unique one that addressed the impact of...
mtheer olafnfigcuiaalgleanwgausacgoensoifdCeraamblyboindfilau,etnocePda.liOannlyd aSamnisnkorriitt,yboyf wCahmicbhotdhiaenmpoedoperlen, sKuhcmh er lanagsupahgileolwogaisstcsoannsdidBeuradbdlhyisitnmfluoennkcse, dar.eOanblleytao mreiandoarnitdy uonf dCearmstabnoddtihane lpaettoepr llea,ns...
Our calculation showed that the first (3.31%) and the last exon (5.98%) had a higher propor- tion than 2.33% in the others, indicating that the first and the last exon tend to be spliced alternatively, which might contribute to their unique lengths or GC contents. The exon-increase ...
To exclude events corresponding to more than one nucleus from the analysis, successful segregation of each nucleus as a unique ROI was conducted using an open pre-processing filter combined with a watershed erosion algorithm. The putative bias coming from cellular debris of overlapping clusters of ...
Corresponding author Published: 19 September 2008 BMC Bioinformatics 2008, 9:386 doi:10.1186/1471-2105-9-386 Received: 14 February 2008 Accepted: 19 September 2008 This article is available from: © 2008 Meyer et al; licensee BioMed Central Ltd....
A new metabolite with a unique 4-pyranone-gamma-lactam-1,4-thiazine moiety from a Hawaiian-plant associated fungus. Org. Lett. 2015, 17, 3556–3559. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 137. Trenti, F.; Cox, R.J. Structural revision and biosynthesis of the fungal phytotoxins phyllosti...
Unique biological activity of botulinum D/C mosaic neurotoxin in murine species. Infect. Immun. 2012, 80, 2886–2893. [CrossRef] [PubMed] 88. Fukuta, S.; Magnani, J.L.; Twiddy, E.M.; Holmes, R.K.; Ginsburg, V. Comparison of the carbohydrate-binding specificities ...
The unique structural features of α-conotoxins allows for them to differentiate between the muscle and neuronal nAChR subtypes—a property that distinguishes them from other classes of natural product inhibitors of nAChRs that predominantly target the muscle subtype or exhibit poor select...