from langchain_community.document_loaders import DirectoryLoader DirectoryLoader接受一个loader_clskwarg,默认为UnstructuredLoader。Unstructured支持解析多种格式,例如 PDF 和 HTML。这里我们使用它来读取 markdown (.md) 文件 我们可以使用glob参数来控制加载哪些文件。注意这里不是加载.rst文件,也不是.html加载文件。
Langchain-Chatchat(原Langchain-ChatGLM)基于 Langchain 与 ChatGLM 等语言模型的本地知识库问答 | Langchain-Chatchat (formerly langchain-ChatGLM), local knowledge based LLM (like ChatGLM) QA app with langchain - Langchain-Chatchat/document_loaders/
Document(page_content='Im not interested in this bag. Im interested in the blue one!', metadata={'source': '/Users/avsolatorio/WBG/langchain/docs/modules/indexes/document_loaders/examples/example_data/facebook_chat.json', 'seq_num': 5}), Document(page_content='Here is $129', metadata=...
document_loaders import TextLoader separator = '\n' overlap_count = 100. # overlap count between the splits chunk_size = 1000 # Use a fixed split unit size loader = TextLoader(output_file) documents = loader.load() text_splitter = CharacterTextSplitter(separa...
Azure AI Document Intelligence is now integrated with LangChain as one of its document loaders. You can use it to easily load the data and output to Markdown format. For more information, see our sample code that shows a simple demo for RAG pattern with Azure AI Document Intelligen...
from typing import List from langchain.document_loaders.unstructured import UnstructuredFileLoader from configs import PDF_OCR_THRESHOLD from document_loaders.ocr import get_ocr import tqdm class RapidOCRPDFLoader(UnstructuredFileLoader): def _get_elements(self) -> List: def pdf2te...
//<my-custom-subdomain>"key ="<api_key>"fromlangchain_community.document_loadersimportAzureAIDocumentIntelligenceLoaderfromlangchain.text_splitterimportMarkdownHeaderTextSplitter# Initiate Azure AI Document Intelligence to load the document. You can either specify fil...
Intelligent document processing (IDP) is a technology that automates the processing of high volumes of unstructured data, including text, images, and videos. IDP offers a significant improvement over manual methods and legacy optical character recognition (OCR) systems by add...
腾讯云OCR文字识别特惠 文字识别限时抢购,热门产品低至14.9元 您找到你想要的搜索结果了吗? 是的 没有找到 动态调用js文件、外部js文件时,alert起作用 document.write不起作用 问题代码: function test(){ var script=document.createElement('script'); script.src='js/write.js'; var dd=...document.getElemen...
document_loaders import ElemUnstructuredLoader from bisheng_langchain.text_splitter import ElemCharacterTextSplitter from prompt import system_template def init_logger(name): logger = logging.getLogger(name) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) if not logger.handlers: stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler() ...