For minors age fifteen (15) through seventeen (17) for whom UA’s Unaccompanied Minor service is not purchased, UA will assume no financial or guardianship responsibilities beyond those applicable to an adult Passenger. Unaccompanied children/minors must be brought to the airport of departure by a...
Guardianship & Authorization for Medical Treatment $3.99 Will & Estate Planning Free Forms The Michigan Statutory Will FREE Credit Repair Free Forms Your Rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act FREE Contract & Form Disclosures The United States Supreme Court has listed the "right to make and enf...
Need Ownership of Property Transferred With A Deed? We Can Help! We Can Complete Property Deeds With County Recording Forms Same Day. Visit OurDeeds Page Here. Conservatorship & Guardianship Do You Need To Petition the Court for Orders?
Power of Attorney for a Child A medical facility or an educational institution may insist on having a duly executedPower of Attorney for a Child, or anAffidavit of Guardianship. Use our free templates by following the links and take a look at the legal guidelines for the above documents. We...
(parent, legal guardian, Power of Attorney, personal representative) • If this request is being signed by the member's legal representative, you must provide legal documentation authorizing you to act on the member's behalf (e.g., legal guardianship, power of attorney, personal repres...