The Continuing Church of God (CCOG)put out the following video on our Bible News Prophecy YouTube channel which deals with the science, reality, suicide, and scriptures related to that the so-called transgendered: 14:49 Gender Confusion, Science, and Scripture The British Medical Journal repor...
There has been an expanding interest in the academic field known as patristics, which is the study of the Christian writers of the first five centuries. There have been new commentary series that have drawn their explanations of the Scriptures from these early Christian authors. There has also ...
For what is contained in this work is to be found scattered throughout thousands of volumes embodying the scriptures of the great Asiatic and early European religions, hidden under glyph and symbol, and hitherto left unnoticed because of this veil. What is now attempted is to gather the ...
Practicing the Principles of Christian Living Our Eternal Position in Jesus Christ Christmas Sermons and Resources CHRIST IN THE OLD TESTAMENTDiscover the master theme of the Bible with these meditations centered around Jesus Christ in the Hebrew Scriptures. ...
Why Another Book on Doctrine?Some students of the scriptures respond to the prospect of yet another book about our gospel doctrine with appropriate misgivings and questions: Why? Why do we need another? The available list of credible publications on doctrine is impressive.1 Wouldn't we be just...
It is evident he saw a manifestation of the Holy Spirit which was the speaking of tongues as per the two portions of Scriptures listed afterwards: Then they laid their hands on them and they received the Holy Spirit. Now when Simon saw that the Spirit was given through the laying on of ...
However, very few look upon the Word of God as the only source of doctrine. Even among those who say they do, very few truly look upon the Scriptures alone as our only source for true doctrine. Many, like the Pharisees, build their doctrine upon the Bible and tradition. Those who do...
Download PDF Ye Shall Know of the Doctrine My resources for this book have been largely the scriptures and the “homily”—the writings of our Church brethren in this dispensation and the writings of our Church scholars. In general I tried to begin with the most basic and fundamental doctrine...
Year ? What does it mean to believe Today'sScriptures that'JesusistheChrist'? Isaiah 61: 1-3; JST, How has the Savior given Luke 3: 4-11; John 1: 1- you life and light? 14; 20-31 Next Week: Lesson 2: "MySoulDoth MagnifytheLord" Luke 1; Matthew 1 W.W. ...
mainconstituentsofmasonictradition:mysticism,alchemyandKabbalah. Duringthelate19 th –earlytwentiethcenturies,Russianscholarspaidlittleat- tentiontothistopic,mainlybecauseoftheirextremepositivisticviews.Inthe Sovietperiod,thetopicwastaboo. Moreover,thereareanumberofobjectivedifficultiesinstudyingmasonic teachings.Most...