irrevocably guarantees, and covenants and agrees to be jointly and severally liable with the [...] 本公司作爲主要債務人,無條件及不可撤回地擔 保, 並契 諾及 同意 與要約人共同及個別承擔適當 及準時履行要約人於支持協議項下或有關要約及支持協議擬進行的其他交易的各項及每項責任, 包...
将“Doctrine and Covenants"翻译成中文 教義和聖約, 教义和圣约是“Doctrine and Covenants"到 中文 的最佳翻译。 译文示例:The Doctrine and Covenants sets forth the eternal nature of the marriage relationship and the family. ↔ 教义和圣约揭示了婚姻关系和家庭的永恒本质。
Belief in the supernatural origin of the universe or of humans and other living things, especially as based on the literal interpretation of the account of the creation related in the Bible. cre·a′tion·istadj.& n. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copy...
Discussions on the Doctrine and Covenants: Con Susan Easton Black, Matthew Richardson, Richard Cowan. Faculty members from the BYU Religious Education department discuss the writings and teachings of the Doctrine and Covenants in this series. Each of the
Devout Latter-day Saints consider the Doctrine and Covenants (D&C) one of the standard works of scripture, along with the Bible and the Book of Mormon. The D&C is especially revered because it is thought to offer guidance and moral precepts in response to distinctly modern needs. Moreover, ...
Tiny Doctrine and CovenantsMore By This Developer Random Name Picker Tools Productivity Fun LDS Games for Sundays Temple Appointment Scheduling Random Number Generator Tool Connections Word Game Puzzles White Noise Sleep Sounds Study the Life of Jesus Christ ...
Doctrine and Covenants Reader was made with one purpose: to make your scriptural reading goal easy. Start by picking a finish date, place your bookmark in the…
Discussions on the Doctrine and Covenants (TV Series) D&C 69-75: An Account of Their Stewardship Full Cast & Crew See agents for this cast & crew on IMDbPro It looks like we don't have any Cast and Crew for this title yet. See the Full Cast & Crew page for The Shawshank Red...
The Doctrine And Covenants Made Easier, Family Edition, Volume 2: Section 77 Through 138, Official Declaration 1, Official Declaration 2David J. Ridges
The following is excerpted from the Church News. To read the full article, CLICK HERE. To get copies of the Prophet Joseph Smith’s early revelations in what’s now the Doctrine and Covenants, a person in the early 1830s would have to get permission to a