\(e\): Salary of practitioner doctors. \(m\): Unit cost of education new doctors. \({T}_{0}\): The number of local doctors at time zero. \({D}_{0}\): Total number of doctors at time zero.Therefore, the problem is: $$\underset{0}{\overset{z}{\int }}\left({\left(T+...
don't want resentment from coworkers or don't want to be accused of favoritism—even if the pay is completely based on performance. And some managers or supervisors say that people whose salary is less than that of others on the basis of their performance simply don't believe that their ...
The face-to-face meeting intervention was cost-effective, saving +478 per physician over seven months after accounting for Pharm.D. salary costs. There was no significant decrease in the number of prescriptions written by the face-to-... ...
When politicians and government officials talk about high healthcare costs, physician earnings and salary tend to be at the heart of those discussions. And yet, there are other players in the healthcare arena who earn much more than physicians -- in particular, much more than primary care phys...
Messrs. Parker and Hoffman point to a survey conducted at the Milwaukee Area Technical College that recorded the time that members of the college's 130-person management council spent in meetings. The evaluators used salary as the basis to calculate how much this time was worth. Meetings repo...