His bedside manner and kindness thru the whole process made the whole experience. My son had as great of a recovery as one can have. All the staff at the surgery center were amazing as well. I was an anxious parent and everyone blew my expectations out of the water. I recommend Dr. ...
The procedure itself takes less than 10 minutes with no stitches, no scarring, and no downtime. Tendon Repair Ingrown Toenails Ingrown toenails are a common condition where the nail grows into the skin of the toe or where the skin grows over the nail itself. This happens most often ...
Many potential patients are curious about the actual process of the surgery and what happens on a technical and medical level. Even though you might have a basic understanding of how hair transplants work, you might be interested in zooming in and seeing what the process involves with a more ...
It controls splenic pain even where no enlargement can be detected, and it is the remedy for hypertrophy of the spleen when non-malarial in character. Congestion of the liver, spleen and kidneys is relieved by its use. Bilious states, with stitches in the side and pain in the abdomen, ...
"Dr. Cunha was attentive, accommodating, and willing to answer any and all questions I had through my recovery process. I would highly recommend Gotham Footcare." - Robert S. "All of the staff are super friendly, energetic, and efficient. Dr. Cunha is attentive and finds solutions quickly...