aOne is allways on a strange way,watching the strange scenery,and lisitening to strange music.Then one day,you will find that the thing you try hard to... 你是allways在一奇怪的途中,观看奇怪的风景和lisitening到奇怪的音乐。然后一天,您发现您艰苦尝试…的事[translate] ...
In Thailand, patients can walk into the hospital and receive treatment on the same day without booking an appointment. This leaves GPs with less diagnosis time per patient. This difference in the healthcare systems has also been studied. It has been shown that Thailand is likely to have ...
Our strategy was to allow each to express their view of their world in their terms. We recognise the imperfections of this strategy. Moreover, reliance on direct quotes is also imperfect because interviews were conducted in English, a second language for both interviewees and interviewer. Neverthe...
in the several years that have followed, have never seen a well day since. I couldn’t put my finger on the disease they have. They just weren’t strong. Their resistance was gone. They were perfectly well before they were
Both the FGD and SSI quotes were transcribed in Spanish and then translated into English by the same researchers who conducted the FGD and SSI (who are all bilingual). The interviewees were identified by a pseudonym between parentheses. A thematic analysis approach was used, in which we analyze...
Doctors using the 14-day respite in the aforementioned ways when writing records emphasizes that the record is no longer considered a nearly exclusive backstage space. Instead, doctors recognize how the previous uniqueness of patients reading notes is now commonplace, making them consider this when wr...
… there are so many patients that I ended up losing or … suffered complications simply because they didn’t have ability to access good care from the forefront. And it was like almost every day for me. I remember a case of a police officer who showed up with stage four cancer, and ...
them feel welcomed. Allied health professionals living in the city and commuting to work in a nearby rural area each day or at the end of the week, were less likely to getting involved with the local community as they were not investing time into integrating into local activities or networks...
Quotes •Youhavetodoyourowngrowingno matterhowtallyourgrandfather was.--Abrahamlincoln •Thedaythechildrealizesthatall adultsareimperfect,hebecomesan adolescent;thedayheforgives them,hebecomesanadult;theday heforgiveshimself,hebecomewise. •--AldenNowlan ListenandRespond TextA TheDoctor’sSon Vermont ...
“I’m Going to Live Forever”: Hollywood Elders’ Best Quotes About Aging Is Working in Hollywood Bad for Your Health? L.A.’sEmergency Rooms, Rated Meet the Real-LifeMcDreamy: The Doctor Behind ‘Grey’s Anatomy’ Hollywood’s Top Doctors: 4 NYC-Based Physicians Loved by L.A. ...