The choice of specialization is the result of numerous factors, including doctors' preferences, population needs, and the number of available residency slots. The aim of this article is to explore the factors taken into consideration by young Polish physicians in choosing ...
Suggestions for prevention were requested.: Seventy percent (422) of the questionnaires were completed and returned. More than 75 percent of the respondents reported some by patient at some time during their careers. Physicians had been harassed most often in their own offices and by their own ...
You can look for your medical service provider on our website free of cost. Just search for the specialization of the doctor and filter results via state and cities to get full information on the healthcare provider.
There are different types of doctors according to their specialties. There are doctors for heart problems, ENT problems and for bone and muscle problems to name a few. Having a proper knowledge of these different specialty areas of doctors will be quite useful when you need to make a visit t...
and the CT she had prior to me showed what was very literally the size of a speck of dust, which the radiologist dismissed as "artifact." On her return to her doctor, they decided to rerun the CT to cover their bases, and found aquarter-size tumor. Within two weeks the tumor...
2. Specialization and Experience Identify your specific medical needs when choosing a doctor. If you have chronic conditions or particular health concerns, selecting a physician with expertise in those areas can be beneficial. Choosing between aninternal medicine physician and a family medicine physician...
and continue working in research spaces. Picking your specialization comes with a lot of pressure, since the intense and specific training makes it hard to switch if you change your mind. Luckily, there are resources available to help make this decision, and preparing in advance can help you ...
To control possible non-response bias and to improve the representativeness of the results, age, gender and specialization status distributions of all Finnish doctors were used to calculate weights to each survey respondent. People in under-represented groups were given a weight greater than 1 and ...
cancer center," which is generally associated with larger medical institutions, universities, or medical schools. They offer the latest in medications, new techniques, state-of-the-art equipment, and access to clinical trials. Their doctors stay up to date in the newest methods in treating cancer...
Nevertheless, patient management is largely independent of a doctor's sex and age, practice location, and GP specialization.doi:10.3109/02813439008994953Sandvik, HogneHunskaar, SteinarScand J Prim Health CareSandvik H, Hunskaar S. Doctors' characteristics and practice patterns in general practice: an ...