This chapter gives an overview of Vienna's academic life and the struggles for young scientists seeking an academic career in an extremely competitive environment. During this time of revolution in physics, with the theory of relativity and new ideas on thermodynamics and spectroscopy, Haas initially...
My research is something like a mix of quantum physics and electronics engineering.いつも日本が興味していたので、日本で3ヶ月過ごすのがとても楽しみでした。I have always been interested in Japan so I was so excited to spend three months here.以前日本に訪れたことがあります。二年ぐらい...
Discover:In-depth Insights into Quantum Physics: A Comprehensive Research Paper More Than 600 Completed PhD Theses Words Doctorate has students from Institutions of high learning in the United States, the UK, Australia, and Canada among others. This understanding enables us to produce tailored dissert...
QED Quantum Electronic Devices (physics; various organizations) QED Question Everything Done QED Quadcap Embeddable Database QED Quality Education Data, Inc. QED Quantum Effect Design QED Quintain Estates and Development (UK) QED Queen's Economics Department (Queen's University Kingston, ON, Canada...
Thinking like this explains, partially anyway, why my students can’t write for shit and why my salary is a comically paltry percentage of the amount of student loans I owe while my friend at Quantum AI is absolutely killing it only a few years in. When I questioned his logic, he got...
"My research is something like a mix of quantum physics and electronics engineering."「私の研究は量子物理学と電子工学を組み合わせたようなものです。 」and 「私の研究は量子物理学と電子工学を組み合わせた感じです。」are understandable, but they sound a bit unnatural in the usage of "研究は...