The joint University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) & Baltimore's (UMB) Doctoral Program in Gerontology celebrated the milestone of its 50th graduate in 2024. Yet, like our peer doctoral programs, gerontology education remains undervalued in society and higher education. Recent ways we high...
(Education) the highest academic degree in any field of knowledge. Also called:doctor's degree Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 ...
2.To repair, especially in a makeshift manner; rig. 3. a.To falsify or change in such a way as to make favorable to oneself:doctored the evidence. b.To add ingredients so as to improve or conceal the taste, appearance, or quality of:doctor the soup with a dash of sherry. ...
PROMISE: Maryland's Alliance for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP), sponsored by the National Science Foundation and led by the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC), has designed and implemented programs to recruit underrepresented students for graduate programs in engineering and...
One of the central goals of doctoral programs is to develop independent researchers and scholars who will lead the next generation of knowledge production. Despite extant evidence of inequalities in doctoral education, few studies have closely examined the experiences of first-generation college students...
(9) South Carolina State University; (10) Southern University-(Baton Rouge); (11) Tennessee State University; (12) Texas Southern University; (13) University of Maryland Eastern Shore; (14) Xavier University; and (15) Grambling State University (A. Elam, NAFEO; personal communication, ...
While the Maryland experience is presented as a case study, the potential relevance of this approach to doctoral education in other information studies programs is discussed in detail.Druin4705Allison4705Jaeger4705Paul4705T.4705Golbeck4705Jennifer
Descriptive information and other measures of quality are also considered alongside the primary findings in an effort to move towards a more comprehensive evaluation of doctoral programs in criminology. Findings revealed that graduates trained at the University of Maryland, State University of New York ...
Descriptive information and other measures of quality are also considered alongside the primary findings in an effort to move towards a more comprehensive evaluation of doctoral programs in criminology. Findings revealed that graduates trained at the University of Maryland, State University of New York ...
GRADUATE educationDOCTORAL programsThe economics profession as with STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) disciplines has recognized that it faces a "pipeline" problem of low numbers of under-represented minorities (URM) completing PhDs. The ancillary described in...