Our dissertation consultation services provide assistance with quantitative, qualitative, and mixed method studies. Learn More Research Methodologies Sample Size / Power Analysis Every study needs data, the question is how much data are needed. The sample size determination using a power analysis is ...
The Qualitative Doctoral Dissertation ProposalContext, T H EKilburn, B. (2006). The qualitative doctoral dissertation proposal. Teachers College Record, the Voice of Scholarship in Education. Retrieved June 11, 2008, from http://www.tcrecord.org/PrintContent.asp?ContentID=12361...
First, a certain tension might exist between the supportive helping role of the supervisor and the requirements of the role to warrant dissertation quality. Murphy et al. (2007) refer to this double role of assessor and guide. Hockey (1996, p. 363) cites Rapoport (1989): “… the signific...
The main dataset we adopted is ProQuest which contains doctoral dissertation bibliographic data. ProQuest is under subscription under the authors’ affiliations. Despite this, per the requirement of Clarivate, the raw dataset cannot be spread to the public. Data are available from the authors upon re...
dissertation, which was generously funded by the Military Suicide Research Consortium, examined the effectiveness of Imagery Rehearsal Therapy for Nightmares administered in-person to administered via a smartphone app in a sample of active duty military and Veterans (external committee member: Dr. Anne ...
While a total of seven assessment instruments were used in the dissertation study only four instruments were used to gather quantitative data data on the JiT and JiC training aspects: A Demographic Information Survey, Pre and Post-instruction SIOP®Knowledge Tests; a lesson plan evaluation rubric ...
This qualitative case study examines the personal experiences of the authors as members of an informal support group during the dissertation phase of their doctoral process. The group consisted of four Caucasian women ranging in age from 33 to 51 years of age when the group formed. Group e-...
Transactional distance and course structure: A Qualitative study (Doctoral Dissertation). Retrieved from PreQuest Dissertations and Theses. (UMI No. 3386759)Veale, BVeale, B. L. 2009. Transactional distance and course structure: A qualitative study. Unpubli...
"A Qualitative Study of the Communicative Experiences of a Venezuelan and a North American. ( Ed D dissertation, University of Houston, 1996)Archer, C. M. (1996). A qualitative study of the communicative experience of a Venezuelan and a North American. (Unpublished Doctoral Dis- sertation)....
Writing the dissertation can be one of the most stressful experiences in the doctoral education experience. Previous research findings indicate that traditional psychology doctoral candidates (PDC) identify the graduate school experience, and the dissertation process in particular as stress-inducing, ...