DIDONIANS (a.k.a. DIDOI) A gentle, peaceful race of humanoids, who had once been visited by the First Doctor. Later, most of the Didonians were murdered by Bennett in his mad scheme to save himself from a murder charge. Two Didonians later reappeared and caused Bennett to fall to hi...
While on Golden Futures, River met the Sixth Doctor, who was going under the alias of “Dr John Smith”. (World Enough and Time) With the help of the Sixth and Seventh Doctors, River managed to defeat the Sperovores. (The Eye of the Storm) ...
Doom may be one of the most powerful people on the planet. He’s a scientific genius and the second most powerful sorcerer alive. But he’s also the man who once willingly sacrificed the love of his life to gain more magical power. Good luck looking into Doom’s charred soul. Though D...
Heeding a call for help, they went to war-torn London in 1941 to meet Winston Churchill, who was using Daleks to help in the war, believing them to be drones created by Dr Edwin Bracewell. When The Doctor tried having her tell Churchill about their true nature, Amy had no answers for...
Welcome to DoctorLawyerWatch.comUNHEALTHY DIAGNOSES OF THE HIGH DESERT OUTBACK OF THE AMERICAN DREAM BREAKING NEWS AND THEN SOME >Creeping Senility vs. Glaring Insanity Barbwire by Andrew Quarantino Barbáno / Expanded from the Sparks Tribune 7-3-2024NevadaLabor.com First-break Exclusive WASHOE ...