Doctor Who: Created by Sydney Newman. With David Tennant, Matt Smith, Nicholas Briggs, Jon Davey. The further adventures in time and space of the alien adventurer known as the Doctor and his companions from planet Earth.
Doctor Who: Created by Sydney Newman. With David Tennant, Matt Smith, Nicholas Briggs, Jon Davey. The further adventures in time and space of the alien adventurer known as the Doctor and his companions from planet Earth.
The Doctor decides to pick up on this easily given lie and says that they are from the eastern zone and asks who the Hath are. In the meantime, Martha has been brought back to the Hath camp and is given a warm welcome due to helping one of their comrades. She is a bit ...
Pretty fun Doctor Who Episode! Gets a lot of hate, some of which is deserved. But it was defintely pretty great for the first half. Seeing Daleks in WW2 was a lot of fun but the second half moves too fast. This is my third time watching I think and I still enjoyed it! Helpful•...
Last weekend saw the first ever Official Doctor Who Convention at the Millennium Centre in Cardiff, Wales. The Centre is famous among Whovians not only as the fictional headquarters for Torchwood 3, the Cardiff branch of the organization tasked with protecting the Earth from aliens (the ...
When he thwarted the Nestene Consciousness's invasion attempt of London on 5 March 2005, the Doctor asked Rose Tyler, a shop assistant who had assisted him in defeating the Nestene after he had blown up her shop, to join him in the TARDIS, and she accepted when he told her it could ...
The Doctor's TARDIS — also called the Ship, the Box, and simply the TARDIS (PROSE: Time and Relative [+]Kim Newman, Telos Doctor Who novellas (Telos Publishing, 2001)., COMIC: Food for Thought [+]Nick Briggs, DWM Comics (Marvel Comics UK, 1994).) — was
Whovians both young and old are waiting with bated breath to see what Russell T. Davis has up his sleeve. Now, with an even bigger budget (thanks, Disney +) DoctorWhois being thrust onto the international stage in a way it never has been before, leaving the show open to welcome and ...
Re-reading the "Doctor Who" novelizations in publication order, wondering how well they stack up to the original episodes...