细数《神秘博士》中的历任博士们 《神秘博士》(Doctor Who),是英国BBC于1963年开始制作的英国科幻电视剧。讲述名为“博士”的神秘的外星时间旅行者,乘着时空机器TARDIS穿越时间和空间进行冒险的故事。时空机器外观看上去像20世纪50年代的警亭,博士带着他的伙伴,探索时间空间,面对各种怪物,解决各类问题,纠正历史...
音乐视频:[双语字幕]Doctor Who- The Great Detective (Christmas Special Prequel) - Children in Need 2012 - BBC One 精校版 听写/翻译/特效/时间轴 Michael_F_Assbender更多独家听译趣味短片请关注新浪微博@Michael_F_Assbender 或微信公众号:Assbender
《BBC one Doctor Who:戴里克皇帝的新衣(上)》 @DoctorWho神秘博士@BBC英剧#英国文化##doctorwho# 所有年轻的时间领主都知道,戴立克的帝国正在不断扩张。在所有时间与空间的相对维度中创造一个大帝国是戴立克的最终目标,也许有一天,他们会成功。 随着斯卡罗帝国的扩张,戴立克需要越来越多的资源来维持侵略战争...
so long as you remember all the people that you used to be. I will not forget one line of this. Not one day. I swear. I will always remember when the Doctor was me.
音乐视频:[双语字幕]Doctor Who- The Great Detective (Christmas Special Prequel) - Children in Need 2012 - BBC One
The most recent exit was Dust Bunny, who was revealed to be funny man Andy Richter on the October 16 episode. One of his competitors that night was Chess Piece, who wowed the crowd with a cover of the Cher classic “Believe.” We believe we know the true identity of Chess Piece. ...
Onethingthathewouldneverdoischeat. 所以我有权利知道 SoIhavearighttoknow. 一个天才 Agenius. 一个傻男人找到了失落的和hearts;弦hearts; Asingle,sillymanwhofoundthelostchord. 这表示另一组音符组合就能放逐你? Whichmeansadifferentcombinationofnoteswouldbanishyou?
翻译:Dr.Aldrich·Ding 所有年轻的时间领主都知道,戴立克的帝国正在不断扩张。在所有时间与空间的相对维度中创造一个大帝国是戴立克的最终目标,也许有一天,他们会成功。 随着斯卡罗帝国的扩张,戴立克需要越来越多的资源来维持侵略战争。戴立克征服的任何
Doctor Who, British science fiction TV series produced by the BBC. The show’s original run lasted 26 years, from 1963 to 1989. Remembered for its primitive special effects and compelling story lines, Doctor Who became a landmark of British pop culture.
doctor who 名句 《神秘博士》是一部英国科幻电视剧,讲述了一位外星人(也称为“博士”)在时间和空间中穿梭的故事。这里有一些经典的台词和名言: 1. "The doctor said we'd meet his ancestors. His what? Ancestors? You know, great-grandfather, great-grandmother? That kind of thing?" (《神秘博士》...