The Doctor is further highly resistant to magic, enough that it is described they forced the laws of physics to reassert themselves and effectively cancelled out magic in their presence. Longevity: The Second Doctor stated that Time Lords can "live forever, barring accidents." Thanks to ...
The first season aired over three years ago, and season 2 has been highly anticipated since. The horror show follows a group of desperate people who must participate in deadly childhood games... See full article at ShowSnob 12/23/2024 by Sarah Perchikoff ShowSnob...
"You forget, Megaman. Robots cannot harm humans..." ―Dr. Wily, Mega Man 7 "Your objections wouldn't stifle me forever! I have perfected my design! And now we'll see who was right all along!" ―Dr. Wily, Mega Man 11 Doctor Albert W. Wily (Dr.アルバー
Victor was the child of Gypsy travelers inLatveria, a small European country. Victor's mother, Cynthia, was killed soon after she called upon the demonMephistofor power. She left Victor with his father, asking him to protect him from Mephisto. Victor's father, Werner, was a doctor who was...
Today’s Google Doodle, illustrated by Bengaluru, India-based guest artistOddrija, celebrates the 160th birthday of Indian doctorKadambini Ganguly—the first woman to be trained as a physician in India. Kadambini Ganguly,who had many ‘firsts’ to her credit. She was such an excellent medical...