the Doctor finds that he has inadvertently become engaged to her. He may have found a way into the tomb however. Tlotoxl is determined to prove Barbara is a false god and tries to poison her. When that fails, he focuses on Susan, who is reluctant to accept some Aztec practices. When...
这一季中,博士和他的伙伴们将继续穿越时空,面对各种未知的危险和挑战,展开一系列惊险刺激的冒险。剧集的剧情扣人心弦,特效出色,是科幻迷们不可错过的经典之作。 我这里有一份它的高清无删减的已完结完整版全集,点击[神秘博士 第十季 Doctor Who Season 10 2017(2)]来在线观看吧~...
1:01 Official Trailer Doctor Who 67 2:40 The Rise of Ncuti Gatwa Doctor Who 1912 2:20 60th Anniversary Special Trailer Doctor Who 37 3:58 Fan Questions With "Doctor Who" "Doctor Who" Fan Q&A 6350 2:06 Official Trailer Doctor Who 2525 0:57 Doctor Who: Season 2 Christmas Special Teaser...
神秘博士 第一季 Doctor Who Season 1 第7集 从长计议 全片播放 本集中文名: 从长计议 本集原名: The Long Game 播放时间: 2005-05-07 星期六 (当地时间)剧情简介: 20万年后的太空站,博士和罗斯·泰勒来到公元20万年人类第四帝国时代的太空站里,这里的人类都被改造,人脑就是电脑,他们都梦想能进入第...
神秘博士 第一季 Doctor Who Season 1第13集 伤离别 本集中文名:伤离别 本集原名:The Parting of the Ways 播放时间:2005-06-18星期六(当地时间) 剧情简介: 20万零100年后的太空站,博士和杰克·哈克尼斯在救出罗斯后开始了与戴立克惨烈的战斗,杰克阵亡。最后关头,罗斯沟通了塔迪斯之心,获取了强大的时空力量...
《新神秘博士 第一季》全集/Doctor Who Season 1在线观看类型:科幻片 2024-06-22 最后更新 导演: 汤姆·金斯利 / 瑞秋·塔拉蕾 / 钱亚·波顿 / 本·切塞尔 / 迪伦·霍姆斯·威廉斯 / 马克·托德莱 / 朱莉·安妮·罗宾逊 编剧: 拉塞尔·T·戴维斯 / 凯特·赫伦 / 布里奥妮·瑞德曼 主演: 舒提·盖特瓦 ...
Doctor Who showrunner Russell T Davies has teased that the season finale will be the “biggest” as well as “devastating.”
Please, someone get these two, sit them down and say “Right. Talk about Doctor Who..anything you want..start from the beginning…go.” I digress again. This is shaping up to be an really good series..season 1… no…series 14. There is always a twist at the end. Abomination Posts...
Please, someone get these two, sit them down and say “Right. Talk about Doctor Who..anything you want..start from the beginning…go.” I digress again. This is shaping up to be an really good series..season 1… no…series 14. There is always a twist at the end. Abomination Posts...
Everything you need to know to watch 'Space Babies', 'The Devil's Chord' and the rest of 'Doctor Who' season 1. Comments (1) When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. Here’s how it works. The...