It also had breadcrumbs aplenty for future seasons, including the mysterious Mrs Flood who might be Romana, or Clara Oswald (“Clever boy!”), or the Master’s new incarnation, but is almost certainly not the Rani (it’s never the Rani). And of course,... See full article at Den of...
Clara Oswald Clara Oswald was one the companions to the 11th and 12th Doctors. Her actor is Jenna Coleman. Her first appearance is "Asylum of the Daleks" and her last is "Twice Upon a Time". The Contenders 10th Doctor Ian Chesterton Jamie McCrimmon BAdd New Item Featured Popular Latest ...
held as part of the Chicago Comicon (since sold to Wizard World) way back in 1982. Larry Charet, who, along with Bob Weinberg and me, were sponsors of the Comicon back then and Doctor Who had pretty much just taken a serious hold among American geekdom. We massively underestimated ...
Much more recently, the 12th Doctor's current companion Clara Oswald has been shown teaching English at Coal Hill. There is no indication that Clara Oswald will be a part of Class, given that actress Jenna Coleman has announced her departure from Doctor Who.
Amy and Rory briefly caught the Eleventh Doctor with a “new girl”, who he introduced as Clara Oswald. After Adam thwarted The Master’s plot to destroy the universe at the cost of his life, all The Doctors and their companions oversaw his memorial before taking their leave. (Endgame) ...
Doctor Who Magazinecontinues its in-depth chronicle of the show’s production with a 100-page volume dedicated to the first four episodes of Series 8 starring Peter Capaldi as the Doctor and Jenna Coleman as Clara Oswald:Deep Breath,Into the Dalek,Robot of SherwoodandListen. ...
Details on the role are scant with the only confirmation being that Anderson will play Danny Pink, a teacher at Coal Hill School. In the 50th Anniversary Special,The Day of theDoctor, companion Clara Oswald was also shown to be a teacher at the school which started it all off forWhoin ...
“Don’t tell me,” said Clara Oswald, who was gazing around with folded arms and a weary expression. “You never could get the hang of them.” “Haven’t the faintest idea what you’re talking about. In any case: Herefordshire!” He threw both arms up to the sky and opened his ...
IE: A genius girl who’s witty and flirty and can outdo the Doctor. I liked her as an actress, but still. Kind of yawn. Also, if she does turn out to be the companion (as in the same actress is playing the same character) then won’t it just feel like a River Song rehash?
We all knew this was coming, but I don’t know if that makes it any easier: Clara Oswald is dead. I’m not up on the exact science of death by shade raven, but I feel pretty confident in saying that she’s met her end, making her the first companion of the modernDoctor Whoera...