Reply With Quote 2023-12-26, 03:11 PM #12478 MrLachyG Elemental Lord Join Date Sep 2014 Location Australia Posts 8,994 Originally Posted by Immitis I dont know about you guys but ncuti has already completely won me over and to be honest i kind of really like that the toymaker ba...
I've always found that the worst part of doctor who is the fandom and it's so ironic to me how the show all about Change is being shown to people who hate change of any kind and honestly the hypocrisy is unreal. People can not like individual episodes but hating on an entire new ...
✓ The Doctor is the titular main protagonist of the Doctor Who franchise. They are a Time Lord, a human-like alien who protects the Earth, along with countless other worlds, throughout time and space, from such menaces as the Daleks and the Master. Un
but for average viewers who remembered the TARDIS and the Daleks and the cheap sets. The show attempts to laugh with them at the conventions of the show, while obviously trying to distance the BBC from Doctor Who and delivering a stinging slap in the face to Whovians: "This is the show...
Reply With Quote 2013-04-29, 12:37 PM #1435 Elim Garak The Unstoppable Force Join Date Apr 2011 Location DS9 Posts 20,297 Who's this Clara everyone talks about? Is that that stupid girl who tagged along with Doctor this time? I thought she's temporary interlude kind of fluke....
“It was kind of crazy,” Ray Ozzie, a former student of Dr. Bitzer’s who later became Microsoft’s chief technical officer, said in an interview. “It was a little peek into what the internet would later become, and it was all fostered by Don’s vision, by him creating an environm...
Doctor Who is the longest-running sci-fi TV series of all time, and in its more than 60 years, the Doctor hasn't always been kind to his companions.
Current acceleration;amusement;antimatter constrictor coil;autonavigation;bang;Beagle;canine;captain;chain;Chef;class C gravimetric field distortion;coma;commander;Court Jester, The;crewman;Delphic Expanse;Denobula;Denobulan;deuterium;dilithium matrix;doctor; "doctor's orders";dozen;Draxxan cloud viper;Earth...
“The Pilot,” Doctor Who, Second Series 10, Episode 1 My daughter Alixandra has wanted to watchDoctor Whobut she’s been intimidated by the idea of catching up with 50 years of the show’s history.Hey, who wouldn’t be?I told her to start with “new Who,” with Christopher Eccleston...
A this probably person is putting on the high-heeled shoes and others goes to the scaled height of burst, an athlete took the stimulant to attend the competition to be same.Man-made beautiful woman's America tidies up doctor's skill, who can find best doctor who to be more beautiful.In...