Doctor Who fandom doctoral doctoral thesis Doctorally doctorand doctorate doctored doctoress doctorfish doctor-fish doctorial doctoring doctorless doctorly Doctorow Doctorow E L doctor-patient relation Doctors doctor's bill Doctor's Commons Doctors' Commons ...
This is the full timeline of all the Doctor Who time lords in the BBC series since the show began in 1963.
Unlike previous Doctors, who have always been against using violence except as a last resort, the gruff, battle-worn War Doctor fully embraced his warrior side, even going into battle unarmed on several occasions, and rejecting the title of "Doctor." Despite his reluctance to let himself be ...
(PROSE: Who Killed Kennedy [+]) Paul Magrs thought he looked like Patrick Troughton. (PROSE: Bafflement and Devotion [+]) The First Doctor called his second incarnation "a clown" due to his scruffy appearance, (TV: The Three Doctors [+]) whilst the Third Doctor labelled him a "...
The Fourteenth Doctor's numbered designation was officially confirmed byRussell T Daviesin an article posted to the officialDoctor Whowebsitefollowing the broadcast ofThe Power of the Doctor[+].[2] Footnotes ↑
Doctor Who(Season 1, Episode 38) TV-Y TV Episode|14 min|Family Edit pageAdd to list Help! Migo's got the wollycobbles! Doctors Mo and Bo and Nurse Rockit come to the rescue, while Yugo saves the day at the eleventh hour.
Doctor Who: Schöpfer: Donald Wilson, Sydney Newman Mit Tom Baker, William Hartnell, Jon Pertwee, Patrick Troughton Die Abenteuer in Zeit und Raum einer Person, der sich selbst nur "Der Doktor" nennt, und in Wahrheit ein Außerirdischer, ein "Timelor
Doctor Who: Tales of the TARDIS: With Sylvester McCoy, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Frazer Hines. Classic Doctor Who duos are reunited as they board a very special TARDIS on a nostalgic voyage through space and time.
Doctor Who boss responds to popular fan hope David Tennant leads stacked cast of new ITV drama David Tennant confirmed to revive beloved show Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Hearst and third parties use cookies and similar technologies (“Cookies”) on this site. Some Cookies are necessary ...
Who • The WatcherThe Valeyard • Meta-Crisis • More… Alternate counterparts of theEleventh Doctor The Doctor's universe • Daft Dimension • The Curse of Fatal Death • Doctor Whoah! As the final incarnation of the Doctor's original regenerative cycle, the Eleventh Doctor found ...