(Broadcasting) a fan of the science fiction television seriesDoctor Who adj (Broadcasting) of or relating to the science fiction television seriesDoctor Whoor its fans Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003...
The 13th Doctor Era has been no better than The Wilderness Years for me, but I’m watching with hope and heavy heart to see what happens with Russell T. Davies’ return. In the meantime, I watched a lot ofDoctor Whoover the Holidays and I’m hankering to do someDoctor Whotoy reviews...
【神秘博士混剪】he's the doctor Doctor Who Season 3 Cinema Trailer 366 1 3:44 App 【神秘博士混剪】Eleventh Doctor One Last Bow 708 8 1:38 App 【恶搞/脑洞向】Doctor Who The 12th Doctor Gets Fuckity On Clara 646 10 21:31 App 【红鼻子特别篇】The Curse of Fatal Death - Comic Relief...
The world's most thorough online history of Doctor Who in production, including comprehensive information on current episodes
The neural network writes the episode list for next season’s Dr. Who: I’ve trained this open-source neural network framework on a variety of datasets, including recipes, Pokemon, knock-knock jokes, pick up lines, and D&D spells. Now I give you: training a neural network on the complet...
In the most heartbreaking episode of Season 10 of the hit BBC series,Doctor Who, we say goodbye to my favorite Doctor,Peter Capaldi. In our farewell piece to the 12th Doctor, the cast share with me their favorite moments on the set and what it was like working with the legendary Peter...
The next big event to watch for is August 25th’s “Doctor Who” season premiere event. Last year’s “Doctor Who: Day of the Doctor” special amassed an almost inconceivable $4.8 million from 660 North American theatres on a Monday night in November. Not included on this list but ...
During the Doctor Odyssey season 1 fall finale, Max and Avery had to perform emergency surgery on the organizer of the Quackers. The Quackers are people who like to hide and hunt for rubber ducks. It’s just a bit of fun in a dark and twisted world, but things took a turn with the...
The new season of “Doctor Who” will start on August 23, 2014 (we’re soooo close), and it will mark the debut of the 12th Doctor, played byPeter Capaldi. With the era of a new Doctor means the coming of different kinds of adventures and a different tone to the show, one that ...
New rule! We're Doctor Who fans, we write reviews because we're Doctor Who fans, and if we'renotfans of some Doctor Who we're not going to review it. So far, after seeing the first couple of episodes of the season, yeah...we're not really here for it. It's great that RTD ...