[Beanie Review] Doctor Slump | Visit Dramabeans for K-drama episode recaps, reviews, news, and more! | Park Hyung-shik, Park Shin-hye
From the first episode when his ‘friend’ said ‘now you will have to sell all the clinics’, his tone sounded gleeful and it triggered a watch this guy alert. He is too involved in his business and now is recording him. I feel like I need to go back and see who was part of t...
朴信惠飾演的「南荷娜」與朴炯植飾演的「余正宇」是學生時代最被同學崇拜的人,進入社會後也當上韓國人最尊敬的醫生,但是外人羨慕的光鮮生活,卻各自因為職場發生的「意外」掉入谷底,更成為同學之間的笑話,就連家人都不諒解。 在看到他們的遭遇後,其實頗有感觸,人在順遂的時候,往往不會想到人生會遇到壞事,所以在遇...