如果治疗是正确的情况下,治疗的效果在很大程度上取决于患者是否执行了医生的医嘱(即依从性)。良好的医患关系,患者通常对治疗的依从性更好。良好的依从性,通常能帮助患者更容易达到预期效果。一句话:医患关系可以极大地影响治疗的成功与否。参考文献:By Carol Eustice :The Doctor-Patient Relationship Impacting t...
This article deals primarily with the office consultation involving a new patient. The consultation lays the groundwork for the physician/patient relationship in a number of ways. The authors consider the objective and subjective assessments which take place between the doctor and the patient and ...
1. In recent years, the relationship between doctors and patients has become increasingly tense and complicated. The dispute is growing. There is a lack of understanding and trust between the doctor and the patient. Normal health care activities are severely affected. At this stage, the doctor-p...
Doctor-patient_relationship(医患关系) 下载积分: 2500 内容提示: Com panyLOGO 文档格式:PPT | 页数:59 | 浏览次数:414 | 上传日期:2014-04-21 13:33:31 | 文档星级: Com panyLOGO 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 20 p. 认识时分(1) 15 p. 认识零件加工质量 12 p. 观察物体方位ppt 35...
The quality of the physician-patient relationship had the greatest effect on patient engagement: a one unit increase in the measurement of the quality of interpersonal exchanges led to an almost 10 unit increase in the level of activation by the patient. Patients with higher scores were more like...
Chapters and Articles You might find these chapters and articles relevant to this topic. Ethics and Psychiatry M.N. Miller, A.R. Dyer, in International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, 2001 5.3 The Fiduciary Principle The doctor–patient relationship is spoken of sacredly as a...
1 The Doctor-Patient Relationship: Participation, Compliance and Satisfaction Deanne Johnson, The University of Adelaide, deanne.johnson@adelaide.edu.au Carolin Plewa, The University of Adelaide, carolin.plewa@adelaide.edu.au Steve Goodman, The University of Adelaide, steve.goodman@adelaide.edu.au Ab...
Doctorpatient_relationship(医患关系)Company LOGO Asweallknow,therearemanyfamousdoctorsinchinesehistory,likeHuaTuoandZhangZhongjing.Infact,thedoctorsareveryrespectedatpast.Thehistoryofdoctor-patientrelationship Xuanhujishi •悬壶济世 It’ssaidthatapeoplewholivedinHeNannamedFeiChangfangcamecrossanoldmaninthestreet....
The doctor-patient relationship (DPR) in People's Republic of China is very tense. This study aimed to provide some explanation by exploring factors influencing the DPR from doctors' and patients'
The Doctor-Patient Relationship Impacting the Success of Treatment By Carol Eustice Updated on May 02, 2020 https://www.verywellhealth.com/the-doctor-patient-relationship-188050 The good physician treats the disease; the great physician treats the patient who has the disease ~ William Osler (...