doctor-patient interactioninterruptionmedical interviewsupportivenon-supportive interruptionsfailed attempts at interruptionEven though interruptions in various areas of spoken interaction have been the focus of research which deals with such issues as power and dominance, more recently, this focus seems to ...
It is situated in online doctor-patient interaction and focuses on the degree to which doctors' overt interactional engagement at talk is affected by their medical background, namely Western vs Traditional Chinese Medicine. 3.1. Traditional Chinese medicine Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is a ...
A framework is provided for understanding how language and social interaction (LSI) researchers examine patient–provider interactions and the interactional foundations for medical authority. A series of transcribed examples are then provided to illustrate how patients orient to medical authority through ...
1) doctor-patient interaction 医患互动例句>> 2) doctor-patient symposium 医患互动会 1. Conclusion The doctor-patient symposium is proved to be helpful to harmonize doctor-patient relationship,improve the quality of medical service and reduce medical dispute. 方法每两周组织住院患者召开1次医患互动...
But many patients besides or instead of following doctors' advice undertake additional activity in order to get well. The purpose of this study was to explore the whole range of patients' health behavior, its connection with the process of doctor-patient interaction (as an independent variable) ...
But many patients besides or instead of following doctors' advice undertake additional activity in order to get well. The purpose of this study was to explore the whole range of patients' health behavior, its connection with the process of doctor-patient interaction (as an independent variable) ...
Patient Interaction Doctor-Patient InteractionDoctor-Patient Interactiondoi:10.1159/000245484LillieD.C.KargerGerontologia ClinicaLUXIE, D . C. (1974) Doctor-patient interaction. GerontoL Clin. 16, 48.
The physician-patient relationship may be important in helping cancer patients to cope with their disease, but little research has focused on the role of the physician in the process of coping with cancer. The objective of this study was to investigate the patients' experience of the informational...
Hilary Putnam’s influential analysis of the ‘division of linguistic labour’ has a striking application in the area of doctor–patient interaction: patients typically think of themselves as consumers of technical medical terms in the sense that they normally defer to health professionals’ explanations...
view doctors as gods, and, unfortunately, some doctors start believing it too. However, given that doctors are but all too human, it’s essential that patients keep their expectations realistic. Transparency in healthcare is crucial in fostering trust and strengthening the doctor-pati...