Try to stay connected with the medical community in any way you can. You can attend seminars, workshops or networking events. If you’re in a lab, try to present findings at a research conference. The discussions that arise organically from these events, with both...
Immersion blocks give students the opportunity to attend orientation; participate in networking events; and complete program requirements such as testing, skill assessments, and standardized patient modules. 8. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD Tuition: $57,010 WEBSITE Johns Hopkins University’s ...
Libraries receiving funding will be able to use the monies for anything relating to their proposed or currently active writing program, including but not limited to: books (specifically young adult horror and books on writing), supplies, special events, publishing costs, guest speakers and instructor...
Your interview performance, health care interactions, scientific communication, presentations and networking will greatly benefit from improved communication and public speaking skills. This often-overlooked attribute should be a priority as you embark on your journey toward a career in ...
Various intricate factors may be associated with doctor–patient trust, including socioeconomic characteristics, medical personnel, medical service institutions, and social networking services6,19,20,21. However, knowledge of whether the medical service delivery process is related to doctor–patient trust ...
Premedical students often ask me about how I find public health opportunities. My first piece of advice is that premeds should network with other physicians involved with public health. While some opportunities are widely publicized, many are discovered through networking. He...