The main staple of his outfit was a battered black double breasted leather jacket, (TV: Rose [+]) which was compared to those worn by German U-boat captains by Jack Harkness, (TV: The Empty Child [+]) and implied to be the same jacket that once belonged to Fitz Kreiner in one ...
Justin Chien ... drone pilot Angel Cifuentes ... video assist utility: reshoots Dave Clements ... electrician Alistair Cox ... lighting technician Alex C. Coyle ... camera loader: additional photography Nick Crew ... first assistant camera: "c" camera, second unit Charles Crivier...
Moshe Lewis, MD, who is board certified in physical medicine and rehabilitation, and has been the chief of PM&R at California Pacific Medical Center. P. Justin Tortolani, MD, orthopedic surgeon and spine specialist with University of Maryland St. Joseph Medical Center. Reggie Alexander, MD, an...
Amazonjumped the price onAmazon Primeagain, so I cancelled. I keep trying to get away but they keep pulling me back in, with my arch nemesis, a deal. Sigh. Being broke and obscure kinda sucks. Maybe I’ll win a lottery, or a long-long-long-long lost relative will leave me a juicy...
This gnome sculpture and his wonderous hat forces train passengers to do a double-take. 35.6222, 139.7271 Added by Fred Cherrygarden Tokyo, Japan Ancient Orient Museum A hole-in-the-wall antiquities museum in one of Tokyo's most popular megamalls. 35.7288, 139.7209 Added by Fred Cherry...