A short blog regarding the small change I hope my writing would bring to the community of junior doctors, especially those embarking on their housemanship journey. Tagged Articles, Blog, blogging, blogging as a doctor, change, dailyprompt, dailyprompt-1907, dailyprompt-1908, dailyprompt-1913, ...
Ohio doctor wins medical malpractice suit against Indian doctorsAhmed, Amin
Some had left their jobs to become TikTok creators and not everyone had a presence across platforms. Brands like Pepsi were among the first to advertise on TikTok in India, before the ban, because it had around around 200 million users at the time, and was the fastest growing social media...
Doctors from India are viewed with high regard all over the world. They get more exposure than any US college will ever give. Here in India, people who studied abroad have to write a test for practicing in India. Guess who is the faculty dean of your Harvard medical school? An Indian,...
Since physician–patient relationships are a central part of the medical practice, it is essential to understand whether physicians and the general public share the same perspective on traits defining a “good doctor”. Our study compared the perceptions
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