Doctor Fate is a heroic legacy within the realm of magic created by Nabu, dedicated to safeguarding against malevolent forces and chaos. Usually based in the Tower of Fate located in Salem, Doctor Fate wield potent artifacts such as the Amulet of Anubis, the Cloak of Destiny, and the Helmet...
von Doom, Cynthia (Dr. Doom's mother)von Frankenstein, Alphonse von Frankenstein, Arbogast von Frankenstein, Ernst von Frankenstein, Frank von Frankenstein, Victor Wagner, Richmond (possessed by Xemnu the Titan)Wallace, R. B. (pawn of Tiboro) Wandor (Dr. Strange character) - by Jean-Marc ...
The very mention of his name makes lesser men tremble! The brilliant scientist whose iron mask conceals his scarred (but once handsome) face! Master of science and sorcery, Victor Von Doom is the monarch of Latveria, attempting the betterment of humanity
"The Doctor", a title embodying their promise to the universe, was the main alias used by a mysterious traveller of both space and time, also known as Doctor Who (sometimes abbreviated Dr. Who) and seemingly a renegade Time Lord from Gallifrey. The Docto
"The Doctor", a title embodying their promise to the universe, was the main alias used by a mysterious traveller of both space and time, also known as Doctor Who (sometimes abbreviated Dr. Who) and seemingly a renegade Time Lord from Gallifrey. The Docto
In this reality, Doctor Strange is combined withProfessor XandDoctor Fateto bring outDr. Strangefate.As one of the strongest beings in the Amalgam reality, and the creator of the altered world, he attempts to preventAccessfrom returning the two universes to their natural existence, however, eve...
60 Strange Tales 167 4/68 This Dream, This Doom DONe, DAdk V: Yandroth, A: Victoria Bentley 61 Strange Tales 168 5/68 Exile DONe, DAdk V: Yandroth, A: Victoria Bentley 62 169 Doctor Strange [can be Volume 1] (V1) 169 6/68 The Coming of Dr. Strange RTho, DAdk O: Doc ...
Silver: It also serves as a hiding dimension for Vanilla Ice, yet becoming the "orb of doom" has the slight drawback of Ice being unable to see where he's going, effectively meaning he has to take a peek out, which leaves him vulnerable. ...
to the MCU, but this time as Doctor Doom. Meanwhile, ‘Secret Wars’ is rumored to be an epic multiversal crossover, bringing together current Marvel live-action characters with iconic legacy figures from before the MCU era.According to industry insider MyTimeToShineHello, Patrick Stewart is ...
He could have just been pretty and good as usual to carry this off in easy way, but his acting was with so much passion that I forgot it all and only cared about their impending doom. I still feel they wrapped up too much in first two episodes, they could have taken it slow to ...