If I try to add anything from the Fire that is not currently in my Kindle Library, it just stays on the device and does not show in Content and Devices. For example (see attachment), I added Factfulness (which was originally a Google Books epub that I converted to mobi) via my phone...
This project is now very large, and is very different from the original idea. Here, we collect awesome macOS software and arrange them into various categories. Feel free tostarandfork. Any comments, suggestions?Let us know!We love PRs :) Please take a look at thecontributing...
Open Media Library - Online Book Manager Cubari - Image Proxy / Reader dotepub - Convert Webpages to EBooks Kindle to PDF - Kindle to PDF Conversion Guide Amazon Kindle EPUB Fix - Fix EPUB to work with Send to Kindle Ebook Sender, SendEpubToKindle, Kobo / GitHub or ebook_to_kind...
If you own a Kindle device, you already know how easy it is to zap Kindle ebooks to your reader — buy them fromAmazon Kindle Store, and they pop up in your library. But did you know that you can manually add your own files to your Kindle? This lets you read third-party PDFs and...
This post was written by John Engelhart, an iOS developer at Scribd and author of theJSONKitlibrary. So you have a lot of PNG images in your iPhone app… When I started here at Scribd, we were just a few weeks away from launching our first iPhone app–Float. ...
AIAAE-library 美国航空航天学会全文数据库 使用指南兴道巳虎嗡禾嚏北付娄膏稚殉钧藻马字舵魔序佩峰午浅华绽... 页数:18页格式:ppt 下载文档 press使用指南.ppt press 软件使用简易指南设计科:press运行:press使用指南2.press界面:press使用指南3.选择设计标准:点菜单栏... 页数:46页格式:ppt 下载文档...
Microsoft Edge Android OS >= v2.3.6 Safari >= v4.0 on macOS Safari on iOS >= v3.1 Debian Linux >= v6 Ubuntu Linux >= v12.04 NSS Library >= v3.11.9 Amazon FireOS (Silk Browser) Cyanogen > v10 Jolla Sailfish OS > v1.1.2.16 Kindle > v3.4.1 Java 7 >= 7u111 Java 8 >= 8...
For Kindle Fire (1st Generation), locale is always en-us. • product-model – The value of Build.MODEL (for example, KFTT). • android-version – The Android platform version (for example, 4.0.3). • product-build – The value of Build.ID (for example, IML74K). • webkit-...
2. Require the ruby-aws library. require 'ruby-aws' 3. Use the createHIT() method to create a new HIT. def createNewHIT title = "Movie Survey" desc = "This is a survey to find out how many movies you have watched recently." keywords = "movie, survey" numAssignments = 100 reward...
卸载火绒, 关闭firewall, via:火绒怎么完全退出? - 知乎 网卡设置静态 IP windows开启telnet 安装winpcap 中途报了C:\WINDOWS\system32\npf.sys的错, 问题不大, 因该是权限问题, 复写完了大小也一样.. 执行脚本 &&telnet /tmp&&wget a+x ./...