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适用日版NTT dtab d-41A docomo保护套平板电脑皮套10.1寸防摔壳 适用索尼Xperia 10 IV车线牛纹手机壳SO-52C保护套DoCoMo全包外壳 适用Sharp SH-03M手机壳透明TPU皮套素材壳夏普DoCoMo软胶保护套 适用日本Dtab Compact d-02K平板保护套docomo8寸三折支架皮套 适用于夏普Sharp Docomo SH-01L保护套手机壳磨砂布丁素材...
40, 41A, and 41B, but it is also possible to adopt a simple configuration in which a pad type pointing device capable of detecting the barycentric position on the surface is provided on the key top. In this case, based on an output from the pad type pointing device (a signal ...