Docomo KyoceraKY-01L Card Keitai (Card Phone) This is the Unique super compact, lightweight (47g), slim phone released by Kyocera Japan Called the Card Keitai, because its about the size of a credit card or business card (Height & Width) ...
人民网东京10月19日电 据《每日新闻》网站报道,日本大型电信公司NTT Docomo 17日宣布,将于11月下旬发售一款全球最轻薄手机“Card Keitai KY-01L”,厚约5.3mm,重47g,预计售价32000日元(约合人民币1977元)。不过,这并不是一款智能手机,而是一款老式手机。 “KY-01L”仅有名片、信用卡大小,宽5.5cm,高9.1cm,...
Docomo Kyocera KY-01L Card Keitai (Card Phone) This is the Unique super compact, lightweight (47g), slim phone released by Kyocera Japan Called the Card Keitai, because its about the size of a credit card or business card (Height & Width) The Card Keitai, is designed specifically for ...