NTT DOCOMO, INC. OREX倡议者Sadayuki Abeta先生 沃达丰集团Open RAN负责人Francisco Martin先生 DISH Wireless技术开发副总裁Sidd Chenumolu先生 新加坡电信技术、战略与转型副总裁Cheng Choon Si先生 原文版本可在businesswire.com上查阅: 免责声明:本公告之...
docomo是日本电信公司NTT DoCoMo的简称。全称为“日本电信电话株式会社移动电话服务部门”(NTT DoCoMo Mobile Communications Business)。它是日本最大的移动运营商之一,提供包括手机、移动互联网和数据通信等服务。NTT DoCoMo是日本电信电话公司的子公司,成立于1991年,是日本第一家提供数字移动电话服务的运...
has around 15 million customers. In June the operator went a step further by opening up its AI agent platform to partners. Nakamura said its AI Agent Open Partner Initiative means “partners can create their own agent and improve their business or create new services using our AI platforms....
has around 15 million customers. In June the operator went a step further by opening up its AI agent platform to partners. Nakamura said its AI Agent Open Partner Initiative means “partners can create their own agent and improve their business or create new services using our AI pl...
Zephyr has established itself as a leading HAPS platform in the world. Zephyr plays a key role in the space and defence ecosystem, addressing commercial and government sectors from the stratosphere. With the creation of a dedicated HAPS Services Business in 2022, AALTO has been propelle...
It is clear that I-mode, DoCoMo''s flagship mobile Internet access business is still growing while handset features and functionalities are enhanced and new services added. Providing a ubiquitous mobile multimedia environment where users can enjoy convenience and value is our goal at NTT DoCoMo...
NTT DOCOMO and Fujitsu, as a distributer, are now collaborating to resolve the technology barriers related to software licensing in the cloud," said Mr. Teiju Konno, a staff member in charge of business strategy in the Solution Business Department, Corporate Marketing Division at NTT DOCOMO. ...
NTT contributes to a sustainable society through the power of innovation. We are a leading global technology company providing services to consumers and business as a mobile operator, infrastructure, networks, applications, and consulting provider. Our offerings include digital business consulting, managed...
business solutions provider, our diverse teams operate in 80+ countries and regions and deliver services to over 190 of them. We serve over 80% of Fortune Global 100 companies and thousands of other clients and communities around the world. For more information on NTT,
DOCOMO wants to be a partner of that kind of business. DOCOMO has a communication platform to manage things. In the 2011 Tohoku earthquake (also known as the Great East Japan earthquake) , we mapped out where actual communications were taking place based on users’ information. The maps showe...