The CLI interprets the.dockerignorefile as a newline-separated list of patterns similar to the file globs of Unix shells. For the purposes of matching, the root of the context is considered to be both the working and the root directory. For example, the patterns/foo/barandfoo/barboth excl...
docker-compose build web 服务被创建后会标记为project_service(比如composetest_db),如果改变了一个服务的Dockerfile或者构建目录的内容,可以使用docker-compose build来重建它, build后需要重新up才会生效 删除的时候也需要指定docker-compose -f test.yml -p test_name down(因为配置文件名称不是docker-compose.y...
来保留了.env文件和.env.example文件。 3.3 构建镜像 当.dockerignore文件编写完毕后,我们可以使用Docker命令来构建镜像。在构建过程中,Docker将会根据.dockerignore文件中的规则排除相应的文件或目录。 使用以下命令来构建镜像: dockerbuild-timage_name. 1. 其中,image_name为镜像的名称,.表示使用当前目录下的Dockerfi...
Here is an example .dockerignore file: node_modules dist*.log This file will exclude the node_modules and dist directories, as well as any files with a .log extension. Once you have created your .dockerignore file, you can use the Dockerignore Node module to generate an array of file path...
FROM指令是最重要且必须为Dockerfile中的第一个非注释指令,用于为构建的镜像指定基础镜像。后续指令运行环境基于该基础镜像,构建镜像时候默认会先从主机上寻找镜像,若不存在时则从Docker HUB上拉取镜像。 语法: FROM <repository> FROM <repository>[:<tag>] FROM <repository>@<digest> 解释: repository:镜像仓库...
问题: 线上一条流水线,在dockerbuild镜像阶段,在COPY操作时,一直报错no suchfileor directory错误。 排查 1.初始以为Dockerfile撰写错误,一般是...直接拷贝了.gitignore当做.dockerignore。 Git - .gitignore - 学习/实践 在设置ignore将不起作用。 一般在项目中使用, 只需要将要避免加入管理中的文件加入到.gitig...
So docker build -f . first tries to load Setting the DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 environment variable is currently required to use this feature. This flag can be used with docker compose since 1.25.0-rc3 by also specifying COMPOSE_DOCKER_CLI_...
14 changes: 0 additions & 14 deletions 14 docker/example/custom-overwrite-docker-compose.yml Load diff This file was deleted. 1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion 1 docker/example/ Load diff This file was deleted. ...
dockerfiledocker-composedockerignorepython310 UpdatedApr 14, 2023 Python This repository have Dockerfiles, docker-compose, dockerignore and specific docker-compose files for system components such as databases, message brokers, cache systems, etc. We created them, so you don't have to. ...